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i created a new clj file in my luminus project, and when I try to load my page it complains that it can’t find the new namespace.
I added (ns …) at the top too
and I verified the spelling.
i think it has something to do with the path
since the ns was ‘aqp.entry.core’, I put it in aqp/entry/core.clj
however, when I moved the core.clj file up to the aqp/ directory (having renamed it) the error went away
The luminus docs say "Luminus comes with the Hiccup dependency.” Is that still true? I notice that the word “hiccup” doesn’t appear anywhere in the generated project.
@eggsyntax: if you initiate the new project with the cljs option, it will have the hiccup dependency (I think)
The docs suggest that hiccup is being used for server-side html templating, so I’m surprised it’s only included in +cljs projects.
anyone know of a way to list all values in a map iteratively in a template?
sure, so
you know how you can do a {%for item in items %} in a template?
is there an equivalent for maps?
ah, yeah, I can see that.
I dunno why, what you actually meant makes more sense in the context of this channel.
it doesn't sound like something like that would exist for maps, since the order would be non-deterministic
frank: ah, yeah, that would make sense