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When running eglot-code-actions, it looks like I no longer get the Add require '[whatever]' x N option for unresolved symbols. Any one else seen this, or have I just (again) broken my emacs/lsp config? (EDIT: works fine with lsp-mode)


seems to work fine with lsp-mode :man-shrugging:


try to check the json messages between client and server of eglot and lsp-mode to understand what's different

Nim Sadeh20:04:49

I am experiencing the strangest thing in LSP with Emacs Prelude. I have a folder (let's call it clojure-projects) that houses my clojure projects. All the projects in it were created using lein new app . If I open any of these projects, I get the message LSP:: connected to [clojure-lsp:16038 ~/clojure-projects/] or something along those lines in my Emacs, when I open any file in one of those projects s.a., project.clj Since yesterday, I created a new project new-project in the same directory using the same method as before. However, whenever I open any file there including the project.clj file, the message is LSP:: connected to [clojure-lsp ~/clojure-projects] . It's trying to connect on the parent folder for some reason, and attempting to index every lower-level file. since I refuse to allow it to index the entire parent folder, many LSP features don't work. I have tried deleting and re-creating the project and I get the same issue 😕 What can I do to fix this? I don't see a way to manually set the LSP path.


that's a common lsp-mode problem where you accidentally import the wrong project root, you can remove it with lsp-workspace-folders-remove

Nim Sadeh20:04:51

Thank you so much! That worked. I can't believe how much time I spent frustrated by this. I have made about 10 clojure projects in the past 6 months and every other time this just worked, so I wasn't used to spending time here. Do you have any idea as to how it got in this state?


Not really, we had so many issues with wrong project roots in the past, we used to "guess" the root but that was way worst than today: "guess it and ask for user to confirm", the problem is that sometimes we guess it wrong and user confirms it 😅


there is even a lsp-auto-guess-root variable, disabled by default

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