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Noah Bogart16:03:12

I vaguely remember being able to set the desired version of clj-kondo in clojure-lsp or use the user's clj-kondo. Is that possible?

Noah Bogart16:03:27

ah perfect, thank you


Hello 👋. In Calva I've recently started seeing this message when running a code action inside a comment form to add a missing require: "Add the import inside this comment form?" Since I use this code action a lot in a dev file where I usually want to add the require to the ns form and not to the comment form, I'd like to make the code action always add the require to the ns form. Is there a way to make clojure-lsp do that and not prompt me like this?


Yes, for that:

{:add-missing {:add-to-rcf :never}}


Thanks! I looked in the docs, but not well enough. 😅