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With re-frame I can go to the definition (the reg-…) of an event or subscription keyword. What would be involved to get that to work for other things? I have a function where I set up event handlers for dumdom and would like clojure-lsp to quickly take me there from any dispatch of those events. Is there some special treatment for re-frame in clojure-lsp?


yes, that was a feature we added to clj-kondo to allow these kind of thing and we supported re-frame as built-in, but I think it should work for other features if you have a custom hook or something, let me find it


that happens when a clj-kondo analysis element has a :reg example:

(require '[re-frame.core :as re-frame])
(re-frame/reg-sub ::foo (fn [_]))
{:ns my-ns,
 :name "foo",
 :auto-resolved true,
 :from my-ns,
 :context {:re-frame.core {:in-id "4", :id "4", :var "reg-sub"}},
 :reg re-frame.core/reg-sub,
 :uri "...",
 :bucket :keyword-definitions}


@U0ETXRFEW I think that may work if you use clj-kondo reg-keyword! hook function in a hook for your macro


Thanks, @UKFSJSM38! 🙏 I’ll try this and see where it gets me.