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Alexander Kouznetsov00:01:00

Q: when I click on the FQN of a clj-kondo hook I often end up in a .clj-kondo folder where a copy of clj-kondo.exports is stored. How can I configure clojure-lsp to always bring me to the original exports file instead if it is in the same project tree? Example: my-sub-project/resources/clj-kondo.exports/my-company/my-sub-project/ns_hooks.clj contains the hook definition as well as it is copied by clj-kondo into .clj-kondo/my-company/my-sub-project/ns_hooks.clj and command-click brings me here while I want to end up in the former file. This confuses me as I may edit the former file (which is not checked into the repo) and then observe an effect that others can’t reproduce since they only have the original file.


Not sure if it's that simple, what happens if the hook is not form your project but form another one?

Alexander Kouznetsov00:01:57

Probably a reasonable place to be would be file in that project’s resources folder.


the problem is that clojure-lsp analyze and knows what is in the classpath, probably that resources folder is not in the classpath, so it's unknown for clojure-lsp

Alexander Kouznetsov03:01:17

resources should be in classpath

Alexander Kouznetsov03:01:45

whereas .clj-kondo isn’t


do you have a repro so I can try and understand a little bit better?


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