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Nim Sadeh21:01:39

Wondering what's going here, since redis/done? is a function. Is LSP using the ? ending on the symbol, and if so, am I not following the correct convention for function naming? Here's the function it's referencing:

(defn done?
  [index-name document-id document-name]
  (-> (get-status index-name document-id document-name)
      (= :complete)))


you are passing a function to the function not and not returns a boolean

Samuel Ludwig22:01:33

you might mean to use complement?


you want #(not (done? %)) , (comp not done?) , or (complement done?)

Nim Sadeh22:01:35

Oh -thanks, got tripped up by the message. I thought it said that not expected a function and received a boolean, but what it actually said is that filter expected a function and received a boolean.

clj-kondo 1