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Alexander Kouznetsov00:12:06

How can I specify what version of clj-kondo I want to use with clojure-lsp? I don’t see this available in the config.


Because that's not available in the config, you can use the #C032YH7P0R2 though which always use latest kondo

👍 1

I should release a clojure-lsp version soon too

Alexander Kouznetsov00:12:35

Would it be possible to make clojure-lsp work with a version of clj-kondo I have installed?


No, especially because we use a native image version via Graalvm, you can use the JVM version used for debugging and development, but I suggest avoid that


Why you want a different clj-kondo ? I know know bork dude that use a local kondo installation and me because we are developers of those libs, is that for a similar purpose?


You can run Clojure-LSP from the JVM and use any clj-kondo version this way. I am doing this all the time. I’ll post a link later


@U04V15CAJ I know this will work, but just to make it clear that I see this useful for local developemnt and not a final product for users, that's why I'd like to understand why @UHS6PHL31 wnats to run with a different clj-kondo version


because he has a clj-kondo version installed and not clj-kondo clonned AFAICS


I don't agree that it is not useful for final consumption, it works very well


you can specify a mvn version of clj-kondo


but from my tests the JVM version has OoM exceptiosn on huge projects that the graal version doesn't have


besides faster startup (not only binary startup, but LSP startup)


I mean, it may not be a problem for OP


I think the native image version will OoM at one point too, this is just a tuning problem


It would be weird to say: only use this library via native image because on the JVM it will OoM, then clearly something else is wrong


yeah, makes sense

Alexander Kouznetsov18:12:49

For me it is mainly to ensure that I have the same version of clj-kondo pinned regardless of whether I’m running it from the command line, via clojure-lsp or as a dependency in a clojure project. Otherwise it becomes confusing if certain warnings or errors appear in CI, for example, but not in the IDE and vice versa.


ah got it, so you use clj-kondo as a dependency of your project, interesting

Alexander Kouznetsov22:12:32

It’s not just that. People in our codebase use different tools and IDEs and I want to make sure that whoever runs clj-kondo via IDE or not, can see the same errors and warnings. I guess pinning a particular clojure-lsp version is workaround for this.

Alexander Kouznetsov22:12:29

Recent clj-kondo release of 2023.12.15 contained a number of fixes that I need, so I’m looking forward for clojure-lsp release containing this clj-kondo version.


I see, well latest nightly on #clojure-lsp-builds has this clj-kondo version, but I should release this week (or next) a new version

gratitude-thank-you 1