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I am new to clojure-lsp and lsp-mode, so brace for a newbie question šŸ˜Š After bumping the version of a dependency which changed the signature of a function, I got lint-errors for the new parameter list. After clearing the .clj-kondo cache, it worked properly. The question is: Am I supposed to have to delete the cache-file myself regularly, or is there some system in place to keep it in sync that I missed?


When bumping deps you could restart the server to re-lint deps. Not sure if this should happen automatically, @UKFSJSM38 will probably respond here


Yes, there are LSP servers like java and dart that re-lint the project automatically, but clojure-lsp doesn't have that so you need to lsp-workspace-restart


Thanks, that should work well for these rare occasions. šŸ˜Š šŸ‘


Is there an LSP command line client? In other words, I'd love for there to be a way to get LSP results from the command line: ā€¢ Make sure the LSP config is working correctly (while ruling out Emacs as a source of problems) ā€¢ Find references for tools ā€¢ Do renames or other refactors from the CLI


Ah yeah forgot about that!


Just explored clojure-lsp dump - very cool that you can just look at the data like that


That data also seems like it could be useful for figuring out why jump-to-definition isn't working


> Find references for tools You can also use clj-kondo directly for this, a bit lighter weight

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BTW clojure-lsp is the only LSP server I know that has this CLI usage šŸ˜…

metal 4

Hi, what is the reason why lsp (or clj-kondo) does not highlight the wrong number of arguments in the function in case of cljs?


"in the function in case of cljs" - can you please be more specific?


@U04V15CAJ Your question made me check the configuration, I had it broken on my side. Everything works as it should šŸ™‚

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@UBRV1HXPD You don't have to delete your original question, this makes it more confusing to read back later

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