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Is it the editor or clojure-lsp adding new require to the ns form when selecting option from autocomplete which is from non-required namespace, or in this case JS library? When I select e.g. Typography I get require to [material/Typography$default :as Typography] though the correct one is ["@mui/material/Typography$default" :as Typography]. And in this case the correct require already exists.


clojure-lsp has this feature? just not sure if it does for cljs like that


If that alias was already required elsewhere, yes, it could be clojure-lsp (clj-refactor has a similar feature)


Might be my nvim autocomplete setup that does this based on the information in the autocomplete results, but I don't know how it would know if the require is already present


And in this case I'm using the same alias in other files, so it could be that


Yeah, could be clojure-lsp indeed


Yeah, if I try rrefering to MUI component that isn't used elsewhere in the codebase I don't get a completion result


I might continue later but until then the draft PR hopefully gives some idea where those JS lib requires are broken


Thanks for the investigation, I commented in the issue, LMK if need more help