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Hi, bumped into a funny event with clojure-lsp
, wondering if anyone has seen anything similar. Loaded largish dataset into memory for development, wrote it out to an .edn
-file for later inspection/loading and clojure-lsp
got funky. It's internal .lsp/.cache/db.transit.json
-file grew large
-rw-r--r-- 1 jmo jmo 1.5G Jan 31 00:03 db.transit.json
and top
showed that it actually went a bit wild
448457 jmo 20 0 24.2g 21.8g 0 S 4.0 69.9 13:03.63 clojure-lsp
I'm using Visual Studio Code, Calva and latest clojure-lsp
, the project is a polylith monorepo with ~30 components.
The db.transit.sjon
file contained, repeatedly, references to one of the .edn
-files I had written to disk. This happens now consistently when I load the aforementioned data set in REPL and write it to out. clojure-lsp
logs are full of paths to my .edn
My .edn
-file size 296K Jan 20 10:06 as-out-2021.edn
, line count 8832.
/jmo/projects/carbonlink/tmp-data/as-out-2021.edn","^G",15,"^4","^1H","^H",1238534],["^ ","^C",1238535,"^9",13,"^5",true,"^8",1238535,"^6",1238535,"^D","product","^F",5,"^7",5,"^3","file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink/tmp-data/as-out-2021.edn","^G",13,"^4","^1H","^H",1238535],["^ ","^C",1238536,"^9",8,"^5",true,"^8",1238536,"^6",1238536,"^D","id","^F",5,"^7",5,"^3","file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink/tmp-data/as-out-2021.edn","^G",8,"^4","^1H","^H",1238536],["^ ","^C",1238537,"^9",13,"^5",true,"^8",1238537,"^6",1238537,"^D","comment","^F",5,"^7",5,"^3","file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink/tmp-data/as-out-2021.edn","^G",13,"^4","^1H","^H",1238537],["^ ","^C",1238538,"^9",17,"^5",true,"^8",1238538,"^6",1238538,"^D","productCode","^F",5,"^7",5,"^3","file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink/tmp-data/as-out-2021.edn","^G",17,"^4","^1H","^H",1238538],["^ ","^C",1238539,"^9",14,"^5",true,"^8",1238539,"^6",12385
After removing the db.transit.json
file and trying again, this situation occurred again, clojure-lsp
does not currently hog one CPU completely atm as it did yesterday, but the memory footprint is large.
451360 jmo 20 0 14.2g 12.2g 3284 S 6.6 39.2 29:15.79 clojure-lsp
Any ideas what this could be?
Left my laptop for a few minutes and this is now the situation
459197 jmo 20 0 5027424 4.6g 61440 S 98.7 14.8 10:43.99 clojure-lsp
Had to kill the process manually, killing Calva did not end the process.Next, I'll move all my .edn
files away from my project directory to see if it has any effect.
(will be AFK for few hours though)
I think clojure-lsp will initially allocate more memory when the cache is empty, and then cool it when that is done. Still 4.6 gig seems like a lot. I have 7 projects open and none of the clojure-lsp processes consume more than 500 meg.
OS is Linux camel 5.17.12-100.fc34.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 30 17:47:02 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
@U0267SNCPEY Is it possible to make a repro repository so clojure-lsp maintainers can reproduce this locally?
We've seen this issue before but we haven't managed to reproduce this, which is necessary to be able to fix it
@U04V15CAJ will try when back at work 👍:skin-tone-2:
Hum, since latest release clojure-lsp now care about edn and quoted forms l analysis, maybe there is some corner cases we don't know, a repro would certainly help
Perhaps there is a loads of keyword + symbol analysis stored in that single transit file?
I moved my project specific dev tmp file directory away and the problem disappears. I had several .edn
-files in there totalling in 10 238 652 lines of data 🙈
Glad you fixed it, if the file was in the source-paths, clojure-lsp would consider it and analyze it indeed
The directory was in the project root, have to check my config because I don't remember adding it to the project path (polylith project).
I did use the files from my comment
And reprocessed, since I do the calculation on data that I don't want to use internet to fetch evertyime. I usually do not open them in editor, since they are large
If they are not on the classpath and you're not opening them in your editor, I don't see how they would matter for clojure-lsp, unless clojure-lsp does too much
like the watcher functionality maybe? does that also watch files not on the classpath?
Checked the classpath, my project root is not included nor the directory I used for storing the data dumps
Please, check <<->server> communication and look for mentions of that file
After few minutes, CPU usage dropped but the memory footprint remains
491112 jmo 20 0 8920504 8.3g 72000 S 2.6 26.7 8:21.93 clojure-lsp
So, I moved the problematic directory back to the project root, started Calva and I have the autostart configured for clojure-lsp so it immediately started to hog m emory
that is the server logs, we need the client<->server logs, the exact link I mentioned
It seems to browse through my temporary data dump files.
[Trace - 16:32:41] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
Params: {
"uri": "file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink/invoice-51456979.edn",
"diagnostics": []
[Trace - 16:32:41] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
Params: {
"uri": "file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink/tmp-data/invoice-48713344.edn",
"diagnostics": []
log has 14300 lines and it includes some of our code (dev-helpers, etc) is there a specific part that is of interest?
Hmm, maybe this is also relevant for the @U02CX2V8PJN issue
For me it only does this when I actually open a large file when it open in the main window in VSCode. I added the following setting to .clj-kondo/config.edn:
:output {:exclude-files ["dev-resources/**" "../_docs-code/**" "..\\_docs-code\\**" "/resources/clients/**"]}
This stops it from evaluating it before hand
@U0267SNCPEY textDocument/publishDiagnostics
means server published those diagnostics after analyzing it, we need to know what is triggering the analysis:
• if it's on classpath, it will be triggered on startup (probably this case, I see "/home/jmo/projects/carbonlink"
in your server logs)
• if the file is opened we lint and publish diagnostics
• if the file is watched on client and client send to server via didChangeWatchedFiles
"workspaceFolders": [
"uri": "file:///home/jmo/projects/carbonlink",
"name": "carbonlink"
If it starst its recrusive search based on that directory, yes then it will find my data dump files and analyzes themhum, I don't think that's the issue, clojure-lsp run a external command to retrieve the classpaths, for a polylith project should be something like: clj -A:dev:test -Spath
, could you run that in your terminal and check if the project root is there?
Did run (->> (java.lang.System/getProperty "java.class.path") (re-seq #"[^;:]+") (map println) dorun)
in REPL too with the same result
could you:
• rm -r .lsp/.cache
• restart the server
• paste server logs, especially the part that says the command it will run to retrieve the classpaths and the classpath found
INFO [clojure-lsp.classpath:103] - Finding classpath via `/usr/local/bin/clojure -A:test:dev -Spath
but did it mention the project root in the classpath as mentioned
yeah, weird how that folder was in the classpath, but that should be enough to not scan the file unnecessarily
There are plenty of instances where I've seen edn in the classpath, seems like if we started analyzing them we should have a config flag to not do so.
yeah, maybe, it should be rare to have huge edn files, but we should have a flag to not analyze indeed
or maybe :exclude-files
to never analyze those paths (with regex patterns, similar to in clj-kondo, matched via re-find
I just pushed a new setting :paths-ignore-regex
doing that ☝️, so now it's possible to exclude from linting/analyzing specific paths by regex, available at #C032YH7P0R2
@UKFSJSM38 do you still need an issue or is everything ok for clojure-lsp development?
:paths-ignore-regex <- this setting, do I put it in my workspace file, in a new config.edn in .lsp, in the config.edn in .kondo or somewhere else?
last nightly exe crashes for me, will try the jar file now.
[Error - 12:19:04] The Clojure Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted. See the output for more information.
[Error - 12:19:04] Server initialization failed.
Message: Pending response rejected since connection got disposed
Code: -32097
Running without batch file now, didnt get a connection to the process. Will report back how this works
Running Calva now with the nightly build (`.jar`), findings so far
• "."
is found on source-paths
as well as on classpath
- I have no idea why?
• Without the new config option, the problem persists
• With the new option set to {:paths-ignore-regex ["tmp.*"]}
the startup takes some time as expected, but the symptoms are gone (my evil directory is tmp-data
I tried the following.
Mind you, these are all folders containing either large files or files I don't want analyzed as they are not part of the project.
Having lsp-version set to latest:
.clj-kondo/config.edn: :output {:exclude-files ["dev-resources/**" "../_docs-code/**" "..\\_docs-code\\**" "/resources/clients/**"]}
Memory usage on startup is 786MB~1GB and stays around that size.
.clj-kondo/config.edn: :output {:exclude-files ["dev-resources/**" "../_docs-code/**" "..\\_docs-code\\**"]}
If I remove one of the excluded folders from this list should increase the memory usage? But for some reason it doesn't and the startup memory is around 500MB~1GB but goes down to about 420MB after a minute or so.
If I remove the output exclude-files line completely the startup memory is around 650MB~700MB and stays at that.
Having lsp-path set to the latest nightly jar (exe file crashes):
.clj-kondo/config.edn: :output {:exclude-files ["dev-resources/**" "../_docs-code/**" "..\\_docs-code\\**" "/resources/clients/**"]}
.lsp/config.edn: {:paths-ignore-regex ["dev-resources/**" "../_docs-code/**" "..\\_docs-code\\**" "/resources/clients/**"]}
This makes the lsp-server crash startup progress at different percentages, restarts, tries again and crashes again.
[Error - 13:05:02] Server initialization failed.
Message: Internal error
Code: -32603
[object Object]
[Error - 13:05:02] Clojure Language Client client: couldn't create connection to server.
Message: Internal error
Code: -32603
[object Object]
If I set the .lsp/config.edn to use actual regex :face_palm: it doesn't crash and memory usage goes up to about 1.2GB.
.clj-kondo/config.edn: :output {:exclude-files ["dev-resources/**" "../_docs-code/**" "..\\_docs-code\\**" "/resources/clients/**"]}
.lsp/config.edn: {:paths-ignore-regex ["docs-code.*" "clients.*" "dev-resources.*"]}
If I remove the same folder from .clj-kondo/config.edn the memory usage stays around 1.1GB.
So in short, for me the best option for now is using the latest clojure-lsp (without config.edn) and remove one folder (no clue why) from the kondo config.edn and memory stays around 684MBif you use the new clojure-lsp setting you don't need to change anything on kondo config as clojure-lsp won't even pass to kondo those paths.
I don't know why it's crashing for windows the nightly, needs more debugging and I don't have a windows machine nearby unfortunately
maybe there is something to improve on the new setting regex I can take a closer look later trying to repro with your paths that crash
There's probably something else wrong with my configuration, I'm not getting any warnings or errors in the PROBLEMS tab in VSCode, not even if I make intentional errors and reload vscode.
user=> (re-pattern ""..\\_docs-code\\**")
Syntax error reading source at (REPL:1:29).
Unsupported character: \\_docs-code
Syntax error reading source at (REPL:1:33).
Unsupported character: \\**
@UKFSJSM38 I think it might be nice if you use fs/unixify
so you would only have to provide only one regex for all OSes
I just noticed that too, this isn't logged anywhere tho. It only popped up for me when I (deliberately) activated the separate clj-kondo extension. I have now disabled that again and edited the regex and the linter is working again
@U02CX2V8PJN Try this:
user=> (re-pattern "..\\\\_docs-code\\\\.*")
Is there a setting that makes clojure-lsp not start automatic? I probably did something while testing and now I have to start it manually everytime
But this doesn't work, never mind:
user=> (re-find (re-pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern/quote "c:\\foo")) "foo")
oh of course:
user=> (re-find (re-pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern/quote "c:\\foo")) "c:\\foo\\bar")
and also I think you still need to match against the original path too in case Windows users write \\
@U04V15CAJ I did not add the leading / in the clojure-lsp prick a project thing. For some reason it's now seeing all those folders as project folders? Could this be the reason why clojure-lsp isnt automatically starting? It did before
that looks like the Calva regression introduced on recent release, check #CBE668G4R
I have a question about :paths-ignore-regex
not ignoring the paths in the regex making lsp read and scan files it shouldn't causing this [Trace - 10:46:25] Received response 'initialize - (0)' in 601009ms.
10 minute startup and 10GB of memory usage :melting_face:
I have this in my .lsp/config.edn
: :paths-ignore-regex ["clients.*" "dev-resources.*" "docs-code.*"]
but for some reason it still scans stuff in the folders within clients.*
I double checked this on and with (re-find (re-pattern #"clients.*") "resources/clients/16/2023-02-15T13.00.16-update-sync-contextdata.clj")
which is an actual path to one of those files and they check out.
That file (and others) in the resources/clients/* folder and sub folder still get scanned.
Am I doing something wrong @UKFSJSM38?
That setting doesn't exist, I think you meant source-paths-ignore-regex
, even so, does those folder have clj or edn files you want to ignore? 600.000ms looks a lot indeed
Hi, quick question. Documentation says:
Note that clojure-lsp will make this scan to save the cache when:
The project has no cache (.lsp/.cache)
The project deps file (project.clj for example) changed.
The clj-kondo config has changed.
Will clojure-lsp recalculate classpath if modified/changed time is updated for deps.edn
even if file contents are the same? Basically, I want to force recalculate classpaths for the currently running lang server. Or what is the proper way to do it?Either way you can restart the lsp server with lsp-workspace-restart
and then you will see the new classpath being used