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lsp-workspace-command-execute: 'workspace/executeCommand' with 'add-missing-libspec' failed.

(error "The connected server(s) does not support method workspace/executeCommand.
To find out what capabilities support your server use 'M-x lsp-describe-session'
and expand the capabilities section")
What could I be doing wrong?


Ok, I think my project root was wrong


Other issue, lsp in emacs shows this header bar, but there is a character that shows as: E5CC instead of a character, this seems to not be a valid unicode character?


Ok, I needed to install all-the-icons


Seems add-missing-libspec doesn't ask you which one you want when there are possible conflicts?


Or actually it's just buggy. Seems it adds a namespace that doesn't even have the method


It's better to delegate to clojure-lsp code action (lsp-execute-code-actions) instead of manually calling the add missing libspec command, this way clojure-lsp ask to you which require to add with multiple choices


We should address this bug tho, if ns a has a method and b doesn't add-missing should pick a if your cursor is on an exact match

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It seems it happens more when I have a small alias. I was trying: (c/quick-bench ...) Where criterium.core :as c is what I wanted. And it imported arrangement.core :as c But also that namespace doesn't have a quick-bench function. So I'm not sure what's up. If I just did: (quick-bench ...) Then it would work and require criterium.core :refer [quick-bench]


I'm having trouble getting clojure-lsp to work with my emacs config - is this the right place to ask questions?


I figured it out eventually ... I was failing to invoke lsp for each buffer.


Do some folks want to try out clojure-lsp nightly? It should support navigation now for quoted symbols like (requiring-resolve 'nextjournal.clerk/build!) and vars mentioned in deps.edn


I tried in clojure-lsp project and it's working great, in bb.edn now works


Are there any limitations that might prevent textDocument/hover from working? I can't get it working on any work projects šŸ˜• Have tried eglot, lsp-mode & calva and all the same behaviour; returns a blank response for everything including core functions. It works no problem on my aoc repo, any other pointers trying to debug this would be appreciated šŸ™‚


That sounds like classpath not found, so analysis of external deps are not included, for emacs, a message is printed asking if you wanna skip it or retry if an error is found, I'm about to try to fix that on calva


One way to check that is checking logs


clj -Spath returns src:/home/elken/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.11.1/clojure-1.11.1.jar:/home/elken/.m2/repository/org/clojure/core.specs.alpha/0.2.62/core.specs.alpha-0.2.62.jar:/home/elken/.m2/repository/org/clojure/spec.alpha/0.3.218/spec.alpha-0.3.218.jar which is correct, I assume


theoretically, it is clj -A:dev:test -Spath but it should bring similar classpath. Anyway, check server logs, it could be a wrong project root and other things

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All clear, the only thing throwing me is the fact it's watching 200 folders in this particular example


It also looks (to me) like clj-kondo is understanding the project correctly


The watcher comes from client, maybe there is some folder you want to ignore?


I don't think so, but I can try and start ignoring folders to see if it helps šŸ™‚


Nope šŸ˜ž I've ignored everything now except the smallest subset of the codebase & I still can't get textDocument/hover to resolve for anything (including core) LSP seems to initialize fine Logs:


Both should be in the gist


Could you try remove .lsp/.cache and check server logs again?


No change šŸ˜ž Project only paths analyzed by clj-depend, took 0ms concerns me, is it possible for it to index in fractional milliseconds?


that' s expected if you don' t have any clj-depend config, not relevant to your issue


I see, okay


could you share the server logs after starting with the file removed?


The lsp cache? Sure

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That' s odd, it' s not printing any classpath found


Ohhhh I think I see the issue šŸ˜… they're monorepos


It's expecting there to be a parent deps.edn but there isn't one, lol....


I've tried adding them in .lsp/config.edn as :source-paths and there's some analysis at startup now, but still no textDocument/hover resolving šŸ˜•


I intend to create a post/tutorial on how to setup monorepos with clojure-lsp, but you can use clojure-lsp project itself as it' s a deps.edn monorepo


basically, you need to add a dev alias linking to the sub repos so clojure-lsp can consider everything


So I need to create a top-level deps.edn? Or do you mean in the config.edn?


top level deps.edn, like, it' s similar to how #polylith handle mono-repo projects where tools can understand that


Beautiful! šŸ˜ Thanks Eric šŸ™‚

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That seems to be working for all the clj projects in it, but not the cljs one šŸ˜•


if the cljs one has a different package manager, like shadow.cljs, it should have a root shadown unfortunately as well, not sure, that's a corner case I didnt face yet


Ah that makes sense actually, I'll figure it out and report back šŸ™‚


Seems this is all that's needed in a root-level shadow-cljs.edn

{:source-paths ["cljs-project"]}
Thanks again Eric šŸ™‚ Always a pleasure


Good to know! I'll remember to add to the tutorial, thanks


Feel free to ping me when you have a draft if you want to add in any of my confusions šŸ˜›

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I feel the Emacs lsp package is not very good. I'm still trying to mess with it, but it seems to have a lot of conflicts with other things I use. Even the completion are strange, like it uses a different font for some reason? One thing I found really annoying is: (defn ) would be autocorrected to (defn) Now I'm not sure why. I don't think lsp does auto-format on every character? But I also have aggressive-indent mode which does, so maybe there's some weird conflict with lsp and aggressive-indent mode. Do others find lsp-mode in Emacs to be working reliably for them and without minor issues like this?


I have this:

lsp-enable-on-type-formatting nil
Not sure if it's related, but I don't think I'm using lsp formatting at all


That was it! Ok, so it does have a reformat on every char type. My guess is it calls cljfmt which removes the space. It's so annoying haha. Thanks!


I probably need to configure more things in it to get it to all work smoothly. I'll do some more digging.


more of my settings are here: I've disabled a few things that I found too much, like the breadcrumb


Thanks, I'll probably use it as a starting place.


aggressive indent mode and LSP formatting will fight I've the code as it's typed. I removed aggressive indent a while ago and use LSP to format the code as it's typed. Sometimes I found aggressive mode too aggressive... Other that that Clojure LSP works very well for Emacs (specifically when I use or I disable some of the Emacs LSP UI features (doc popup, sideline) as I prefer a simpler UI


@U0K064KQV Note that I disabled diagnostics in my config because I'm running clj-kondo separately (as I always use my own dev version)


@U04V15CAJ Do you know what: ā€¢ lsp-enable-indentation ā€¢ lsp-signature-auto-activate ā€¢ lsp-enable-file-watchers do? File Watchers I think I understand that clojure-lsp does it's own file watching for deps.edn and such, and so lsp-mode doesn't need to do it?


@U05254DQM Thanks. I love aggressive-indent mode, because I use adjust-parens mode, the combination is very nice, a kind of hybrid between paredit and pareinfer. But I might also try with just the lsp formatting. I'll look at your config as well for inspo.


Also, anyone knows what this thing about LSP-PLIST is? In their they say it's faster, but if it was faster I don't know why lsp would default to hash-tables? Clearly there's some trade off I'm missing?


@U0K064KQV There are docs for those - not sure exactly, I think when you change git branches, they take care that everything is re-analyzed, but it's not much of an issue to me