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(x-posted from #C099W16KZ) Can anyone suggest why clojure-lsp is creating a directory ? (i.e. a single question mark) at top level of the project and using that for it's .lsp directory (containing the .cache directory). I don't have any settings in ~/.config/clojure-lsp or local $PROJECT_ROOT/.lsp/config.edn (this is using the version of clojure lsp installed via arch pacman

$ clojure-lsp --version
clojure-lsp 2022.11.03-00.14.57
clj-kondo 2022.11.02


That's pretty odd, clojure-lsp don't create .lsp or config.edn folders


Also never saw a folder ? , Maybe could be a issue on the LSP client side


Maybe try with vscode or so to check if the same happens, but I never saw anything like that