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Speaking of the alphabet, does lsp have something to sort map keys alphabetically? I recently got this question about borkdude.rewrite-edn ;)


code action sort-map or refactor sort-map




Btw Eric, you had a trick for Windows swap files right? I'm noticing this in bb's Window's build:

GC warning: 19.1s spent in 4 GCs during the last stage, taking up 66.22% of the time.
            Please ensure more than 4.83GB of memory is available for Native Image
            to reduce GC overhead and improve image build time.
[4/7] Parsing methods...      [*****]                                                                   (24.0s @ 1.85GB)
GC warning: 15.0s spent in 7 GCs during the last stage, taking up 62.34% of the time.
            Please ensure more than 5.17GB of memory is available for Native Image
            to reduce GC overhead and improve image build time.
[5/7] Inlining methods...     [****]                                                                    (13.2s @ 2.90GB)


yes, I found a way to use windows virtual memory :) let me find


ok, maybe I should try Github actions on Windows then


can you run custom code on that windows ci? if so, I think you can manually do what that action does


it's not hard, I think it's 2 or 3 lines of code

Stefan T20:03:06

Well hello there 🙂 that’s nice feature.