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I upgraded clojure-lsp
this morning and I'm noticing quite a few errors in the *Messages*
buffer. Any idea what might cause this? EDIT: it's a problem with lsp-ui
, nevermind
LSP :: Connected to [clojure-lsp:10583]. [2 times]
Error in post-command-hook (lsp-ui-sideline): (invalid-function lsp-ui--with-no-redisplay)
Error while checking syntax automatically: (invalid-function lsp-ui--with-no-redisplay)
Error running timer: (invalid-function lsp-ui--with-no-redisplay)
Error running timer 'lsp--on-idle': (invalid-function lsp-ui--with-no-redisplay) [5 times]
lsp-ui-peek--render: Invalid function: lsp-ui--mute-apply [2 times]
Error processing message (invalid-function lsp-ui--with-no-redisplay).
lsp-ui--workspace-path: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil [2 times]
actually, I guess this is an issue with lsp-ui
and not clojure-lsp
, sorry 🙂
Released clojure-lsp with important fixes for analysis and minor improvements:
• General
◦ Fix some analysis conflicts regarding `custom-async-lint?` feature introduced on latest release causing outdated analysis and some deadlocks.
• Editor
◦ Fix inline symbol code action regression from previous releases.
◦ Fix expand let refactor duplicating variables in some cases.
◦ Add completion support to potemkin usages of a namespace.
◦ Wait for db cache upsert before end proccess, avoiding the need to re-lint whole classpath on next api/cli runs.
◦ Fix the need to use `:raw? true` on babashka pod usage.
This release should fix analysis outdated and some deadlocks related to the custom-async-lint?
which was implemented to improve lint performance + feedback but caused some issues, this should be fixed now.
i just upgraded to the latest lsp version + calva and when trying to open the orchard repo I still get an endless load
Check clojure-lsp log, it's probably a configuration issue with your project, not related with latest release
i’ll try deleting the cache and restarting. it’s strange that only the orchard repo is having problems, everything else works fine
i tried via console and that doesn’t produce a log file in that project the calva included start produces:
2022-01-03T18:56:06.582Z ERROR [taoensso.timbre:796] - Uncaught exception on thread: main
[37mclojure_lsp.main.main[m [32m [m
[37m...[m [32m [m
[33mclojure-lsp.main/[1;33m-main[m [32mmain.clj: 169[m
[33mclojure-lsp.main/[1;33m-main[m [32mmain.clj: 171[m
[33mclojure-lsp.main/[1;33mexit[m [32mmain.clj: 124[m
[37m...[m [32m [m
[1;31mjava.lang.NullPointerException[m: [3m[m
2022-01-03T18:56:06.853Z INFO [clojure-lsp.server:310] - Parent process 44260 is not running - exiting server
2022-01-03T18:56:06.856Z INFO [clojure-lsp.server:409] - Exitting...
btw orchard does include some strange corner cases in the code for testing purposes, so it might be a problem with that
is it working on the command line for you? mine keeps running but writes no log file
i was running it as a server, diagnostics works for me as well if i can help fix the calva issue let me know. i just realized how anoying it is to run without lsp:)
and this crashes vscode communication with clojure-lsp for some reason, which makes sense as it's not allowed those chars, only json
2 questions there: • clojure-lsp should handle stdout output from kondo which I will fix it • why clj-kondo prints this dots only for some projects? maybe @U04V15CAJ can help help understand this
It looks sounds kind of loading from clj-kondo side, but I never saw that on other projects or didn't noticed it:
clojure-lsp should probably catch clj-kondo output and log to the file instead of stdout so
@UKFSJSM38 Do you add an additional config in lsp? You can override this by always setting it to false
yeah, we can override this or just log to file instead of stdout which makes sense to me
but clj-kondo should have printed this to stderr btw I made this feature a long time ago and I didn't think anyone used it
no hurries, I already made the commit on clojure-lsp to catch stdout prints as well
@U02EMBDU2JU fixed on clojure-lsp master