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Thanks for inviting me!


We should be advertising this channel some.


Here's a plug for my livestream later today at 15:30 CET (it's 11:36 now here). See me using MDD (Mistake Driven Development) at the REPL live. There's a Turn on reminder button there even. 😃 The subject is sieving primes in some various ways using Clojure, and trying to beat our first version, which took some 5+ seconds to sieve the first million numbers. In the last episode we brought it down to 200 ms, iirc. We are aiming at going below 1 ms.


I will be still at work, so I am not sure I can watch it live


We had six viewers! That’s awesome. And the video will stay up. I hope it was worth watching.


Checked in for a while but couldn't stay. We had a dozen people trying to figure out how to embed youtube videos in a web page

Joshua Suskalo18:02:12

Thanks for letting me know this channel exists @pez

Joshua Suskalo18:02:29

I'm going to want to put some stuff here eventually, probably for the lisp game jam this spring.

metal 1

Nice to see this stream come back to life -- thanks @pez!

🙏 1