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Oh, sorry, I had a typo earlier I always ment to write :authorized?
(resource {:allowed-methods [:post :options]
:available-media-types ["application/edn" "application/json"]
:handle-options (fn [_]
(ring-response {}))
:handle-created (fn [{:keys [request] :as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [params]} request
{:keys [query]} params]
{:status 200
:body (when query (lacinia/execute foo/schema query nil nil))})))
:as-response (fn [d ctx]
(-> (as-response d ctx)
(assoc-in [:headers "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] "*")
(assoc-in [:headers "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] "Content-Type")))})
Is a way to not do :handle-options
which return nothing to add headers in :as-response
?Hmm according to it can be a bug.
@kwladyka I will look into that tomorrow
thank, at that moment I have this:
(resource {:allowed-methods [:post :options]
:new? false
:handle-options (constantly (ring-response {:status 401}))
:handle-no-content (fn [{:keys [request] :as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [params]} request
{:keys [email password]} params]
(if-let [uuid (auth/?login->uuid email password)]
(ring-response {:session {:uuid uuid}})
(ring-response {:status 401
:session nil}))))})
This is the best what I achieved so far(def handler-map
{:not-found (constantly (not-found "404 not found"))
;; authentication - only for web browser users from our domains
:authentication (resource {:allowed-methods [:post :options]
:new? false
:handle-options (constantly (ring-response {:status 204}))
:handle-no-content (fn [{:keys [request] :as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [params]} request
{:keys [email password]} params]
(if-let [uuid (auth/?login->uuid email password)]
(ring-response {:session {:uuid uuid}})
(ring-response {:status 401
:session nil}))))})
;; public API, authentication and authorization by token or session
:graphql (resource {:allowed-methods [:post :options]
:available-media-types ["application/edn" "application/json"]
:handle-options (constantly (ring-response {:status 204}))
:authorized? (fn [{:keys [request] :as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [session headers]} request
{:keys [uuid]} session
{:strs [authorization]} headers
token (some->> authorization
(re-matches #"(?i)Bearer\s([\d|a-f]{8}-(?:[\d|a-f]{4}-){3}[\d|a-f]{12})")
(or (auth/?token->uuid token)
(auth/uuid-exist? uuid))))
:new? false
:respond-with-entity? true
:handle-ok (fn [{:keys [request] :as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [params]} request
{:keys [query]} params]
{:body (when query (lacinia/execute graphql/schema query nil nil))})))
:as-response (fn [d ctx]
(-> (as-response d ctx)
(assoc-in [:headers "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] "*")
(assoc-in [:headers "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] "Content-Type")))})})
I did progress