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Reut Sharabani14:11:46

Hello I am trying to apply pedantic :abort to my project. I have 2 nrepl dependencies for some reason. lein deps is saying nrepl is a dependency but it's not specified in my dependencies at all. I checked ~/.lein/profiles and .dir-locals.el but didn't find any clue for nrepl. I am using cider when working which wants to inject nrepl itself and it's causing pedantic to abort. Really frustrating. Any idea where to look / what to do? Can I somehow disable pedantic locally using .dir-locals.el for now?


I normally use this technique It's also possible to create a :ci profile that is only activated in CI. Although it's possible to forget doing so, which is why I prefer the former approach.

Reut Sharabani01:11:07

@U45T93RA6 just wanted to update I resorted to adding a profiles.clj file that is git-ignored.