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Jeongsoo Lee04:02:23

I am trying to write a lein plugin, and for testing this I made a mock target project. However, rather than going through a conventional write-compile-test cycle I would like to develop it on the REPL, just I would develop a regular Clojure application. How can I achieve this?


You could try adding leiningen-core as a vanilla dependency Although I think it will be hard to reproduce all the things Lein does for you e.g. evaluate projects, merge aliases, etc I had a good experience simply separating the plugin from the 'core', and developing that core in a vanilla fashion

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Rupert (All Street)08:02:15

Another option is adding nrepl as a dependency - then manually starting from inside your plugin code.

Jeongsoo Lee17:02:10

After some days of contemplation, I decided to develop the core logic independently (on the REPL), and then slap that into leiningen.core/eval-in-project. :thinking_face:


I’ve also done the separated core approach and it works quite well for me; for my and as you can see, it doesn’t need much to work. I am aware I use the deprecated plugin registration method, PRs welcome 😉

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