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seeing some strange behavior with lein trampoline. It seems that it downloads 3 versions of nrepl and then fails

[dan@fedora queue]$ rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/nrepl/
[dan@fedora queue]$ lein --version
Leiningen 2.9.1 on Java 1.8.0_232 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
[dan@fedora queue]$ lein trampoline repl
Retrieving nrepl/nrepl/0.6.0/nrepl-0.6.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/nrepl/0.4.5/nrepl-0.4.5.pom from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/bencode/1.0.0/bencode-1.0.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/drawbridge/0.1.0/drawbridge-0.1.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/nrepl/0.4.0/nrepl-0.4.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/nrepl/0.6.0/nrepl-0.6.0.jar from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/drawbridge/0.1.0/drawbridge-0.1.0.jar from clojars
ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
	nrepl.server/start-server/addr--1161 (server.clj:120)
	nrepl.server/start-server (server.clj:128)
	nrepl.server/start-server (server.clj:96)


oh i read that too quickly. it gets 4 nrepl poms and a single nrepl jar


I have some tests failing in a docker container running in CircleCI. It fails with "Tests failed." and nothing else except the logs from my code. I don't get any test summary or anything. My tests are working locally and also work when I run "lein test" after sshing into the circleci container. Any idea why I don't have a test summary? There is nothing that indicates failure in my logs. I just get "Tests failed." with "Exited with code 1"


Looks like it was running out of memory


Isn't that visible in the logs?


Nah. It just gives me "Tests failed"


-Xmx768m fixed it right up

Drew Verlee18:11:09

what code/lib does lein check actually run? is it cljfmt?

Drew Verlee18:11:55

there different things


@drewverlee it’s basically running a clojure.core/compile on all clj ns’s in the configured source and (maybe) resource paths I believe.

Drew Verlee19:11:17

whats the end result? to see if your code compiles?


Yes. That’s the main use I know of for it


Can see things like reflection warnings too if that matters to you


But without lein check you may not even attempt to compile all your ns’s - eg if not rests for some file or something & you are not doing AOT


I believe lein check enables something like (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) even for namespaces that do not contain that expression.