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i am using lein repl on windows and i don't have java completions. how can i configure them?


with lein test is there a way to run tests in namespaces that match a wildcard? I wanted lein test intergation.* to run tests in namespace that start with integration, but it doesn't. Is there another way to do that?


@adamfrey the normal way to do that is put metadata on the tests, and pass the metadata key as an arg to lein test


so you have (deftest ^:integration db-integration ...) and then lein test :integration will find and run all tests with that metadata


you can also put multiple metadata on one test, or run multiple tags in one lein test run


ok, I'll try that, thanks


beginner question: I have a clojurescript project nested in a django app. Its isolated from other apps and I don't want the project.clj at the root level of the project. Nonetheless when building the cljs project I need the build artifacts (:output-to, etc) to go to a parent (relative to the cljs folder) folder. How would I do this?


@dfcarpenter wouldn't a path starting with ../ work?


@noisesmith Ahh yes so obvious. Don't know why I just didn't try that first. Thanks!