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does anyone have a deployment config for running unit tests after building? Guessing the way to do it is just in the jenkins bash script? Do the build and then lein test, check output?
was approaching it originally from the perspective of somehow configuring this all in lein but that doesn't seem to be the way to do it, would be interested in any insight here
@mattsfrey: what do you mean by ‘building’?
You could put it in prep tasks maybe?
I have a project that has a dependency on some jar that has a dependency on Lucene 4.7; In the tests, I see a stack trace that barfs a delightful java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class
. I’ve tracked it down to the fact that the leiningen-2.6.1-standalone.jar bundles some org.apache.lucene classes (from Lucene 3.6.2) as a dependency directly in the uberjar, and this class mismatch is the root cause of the verify error, as the 3.6.2 classes are being (or have already been) loaded in preference to the 4.7 classes.
As far as I can tell, Lucene 3.6.2 is being used by org.apache.maven.indexer/indexer-core to provide lein search <pkg>
My question is this: is there any way (in project.clj settings) to force leiningen to use lucene 4.7 (even if it breaks search) or for the two versions to co-exist somehow? - I’ve tried adding :exclusions
and even tried setting up a .lein-classpath file, but no success.
[To confirm this is actually the problem, I removed all the org.apache.lucene classes from leiningen-2.6.1-standalone.jar, and the tests work fine (but of course lein search breaks)]