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Anyone: I am trying to use the s3-wagon-private plugin. I have two lein projects: - X: a library I made for doing some data munging. Has some 3rd party dependencies. - Y: a library I made for working with my database, has X and some 3rd party dependencies. I have the following in my ~/.lein/profiles.clj file: {:repl {:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"]]} :user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0"] [s3-wagon-private "1.2.0"]] :signing {:gpg-key "0x3809769A"} :repositories [["private" {:url "<s3p://acme/releases/>" :username :env :passphrase :env}]]}} When I run "lein deploy private" in project X, everything work just fine and it gets deployed to S3. When I run "lein deploy private" in project Y, it complains about not being able to find project X. Could not find artifact X:X:jar:0.7.0 in central ( Could not find artifact X:X:jar:0.7.0 in clojars ( This could be due to a typo in :dependencies or network issues. If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable. In other words, it is not looking in my private S3 repo to try to find project X. How do I solve this?


sorry for the lousy formatting, i wanted to post it before i lost connectivity, which is right about now