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@bhauman: As you're getting things put together over the next few months, would you be interested in getting some community assistance to put together updated documentation, a figwheel website, or other stuff that woud be nice to have but isn't on your list of changes to focus on?
@shaun-mahood thanks for asking the answer is yes
@shaun-mahood I'd much prefer help with the docs
@bhauman: My thoughts for a website were more along the lines of an autogenerated documentation site (along the lines of readthedocs or similar), hosted on github pages, and primarily as a way to deliver the docs in a nicer fashion than stock github allows. Totally happy if you have no interest in that though. For help with the docs, my hope is that we can get together a few people to help contribute as you get new features/changes done - I have looked briefly into contributing docs against the current codebase but the barrier to understanding was a bit too high for my free time to allow for it. I've been wanting to better understand figwheel for a while now so it's a good opportunity to learn and I bet there will be others who have the same mindset.
I'm happy to try and round up a few people that I think might be interested and spearhead a bit of the organization of things so that you can (ideally) just write some code, pass it of to us with a bit of explanation, and we turn around and get some documentation up and make it easier for the rest of the community to take advantage of your hard work.
I don't know that there will be new functionality but rather a cleaning of up existing functionality
hopefully new functionality will get done, but a significant clean up is needed, especially organizing and editing the current docs as well
I assume there will be extra work needed to document how to use the new architecture (with boot etc) as well though.
Is there a particular place that I should start looking at to get going on the current docs?
If you could look at the top level of the wiki and think about what people need to know first. What people are most interested in, etc. and look at it from an informational point of view.
Also a cookbook section with sample configs and explanations in it would be fantastic!!!!
Uh oh 🙂
I'm of course going to be working on this darn readline and I won't be getting started on Figwheel grant work until March
Are there any major things in there that you want to drop support for? If not, I'll start poking around and see what I can come up with. I think we'll all be happy to play with readline too 🙂
Just a heads up I have been using switch-build to work with webworkers and having a bit better support (not sure how, might be a cljs thing) would be great!
Sounds good - a few months of refactoring and experimentation without adding new features would be nice in a few of my work projects.
As far as format and structure goes, do you want to stick with everything in the wiki, move things into a docs folder (requires PR to update), or look at other options?
From what I can tell from looking at other projects, it doesn't seem like any of them really have an effect on who contributes to the documentation (though that's a pretty anecdotal assumption).
I think its OK to roll with the wiki for now as it is a much lower barrier, if you think that docs in the doc folder is better, I'm game, it's super easy to link to them from the wiki
Sounds good - we can see how things evolve. I've done a bit of work moving documentation around for both re-frame (from wiki to docs folder) and clojurescript (from wiki to the new website) and neither of them were too onerous.
but a clean clojure based site generator that will work from now until forever sounds good
I don't know how many times I've had to work for hours just to get a jekyll site to generate after it hasn't been touched for years
That sounds like a good postition to take - I've been wanting to experiment a bit more with static generated sites so I'll start poking at that as well, see if anything jumps out as an obviously good fit.
Just a heads up I have been using switch-build to work with webworkers and having a bit better support (not sure how, might be a cljs thing) would be great!