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@shaun-mahood I have confirmed that it is the figwheel process (java.exe) that is hanging on to these files using process explorer
occasionally i cause a client-side error that appears to prevent fighweel from reloading. anyone else experienced this, or tried to detect errors? solution is usually to fix the problem and hard refresh. would be awesome if figwheel could detect this and tell the user to reload
anyone have suggestions for debugging a slow reload? CSS is pretty instant, cljs changes take 5-6 seconds
@jdkealy how many files get reloaded for cljs changes? maybe someone went nuts with ^:figwheel-always
@isak: Probably worth filing an issue with relevant details. Is it something you want to put any time into fixing, or are you happy just knowing what's going on?
@shaun-mahood will do. And yea maybe, will have to try to get an overview of the code
hm then i'm not sure, I had the same problem before, but then it was because of that.
so, has anyone encountered anything like the following? I suspect I’m misconfigured somehow.
When I access my app the first time it works and reloading works as well. However, after triggering a hot reload, and then refreshing the page (F5), figwheel’s websocket connection disappears, and I also get the error goog.require could not find: figwheel.connect.build1
and I start figwheel with (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/start-figwheel! "login" “build1" “imageviewer”)
the problem goes away if I just build one of the targets with (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/start-figwheel!)
just figured it out. sharing output-dir
across builds appears to work at first, but puts things in an inconsistent state (as you might expect!)