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I am wondering if it is possible to issue a single command from the console that starts lein repl
and also executes a couple of commands once the repl starts... similar to ruby's irb -e "puts :started_irb"
goal being to excute these commands but keep a running nrepl I can connect to via emacs' cider-connect
(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
(start-figwheel! {:build-ids [:dev]})
fwiw, I create a file dev/user.clj
in my project root, added it to :source-paths
and defined a function (init)
that does what I need. so I still have to execute a command after starting lein repl
but it's relatively painless. the plus side is I now have a cider repl in emacs accessing my local dev instance of my app, with full access to the app-state atom - so freaking cool