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Hey all, I am using cryogen to try and write a post using klipse. So far I can get a reagent component to render just fine. However, I am having trouble bringing in a 3rd party library. I am peeking at this post ( and it looks like the author just requires cljsjs.highcharts somewhat magically. I tried this and, to my surprise, it didn't throw an error. I then tried to replace [cljsjs.highcharts] with [rid3.core :as d3] and says cant find it. How do make klipse aware of a 3rd party lib?


{:title "Reagent Interface to D3" :layout :post :tags ["clojurescript" "reagent" "d3"] :toc true :klipse {:settings {:selector ".klipse-cljs" :selector-reagent ".klipse-reagent" :codemirror-options-in {:line-numbers true}}}}

(require '[reagent.core :as r])
(require '[rid3.core :as d3]) ;; <-- this line

(defn hello [name]
  [:p (str "Hello " name "!")])

[hello "Klipse"]


Found data-external-libs which seems like what I am after, but haven't gotten it to work yet