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This seems to be normal behavior, promesa examples notwithstanding.


Hi @mihaelkonjevic. What is the proper way to use javascript promises with pipelines?


@UGNMGFJG3 hm, I will need to check it, it’s using an older version of funcool/promesa, so maybe it’s not correctly recognizing promises


what can i do to assist in this process? I am very interested in using pipelines…


@UGNMGFJG3 what I plan to do is take the keechma-pipelines project ( and update the deps to latest, and see if something breaks. It has a pretty extensive test suite, so if tests pass after the deps are updated, I can make a new release. If not, I think the fix shouldn’t be too complicated because I have only two checks for promise in the runtime (


@UGNMGFJG3 keechma/pipelines 0.1.3 is released. All the deps are updated to latest including funcool/promesa. I see that there were some changes in how p/promise? is working, so please give it a shot. If it’s still not working, then I would check if a promise you’re getting is a real promise or “thenable” which promesa might not treat as a promise