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is there a good example of a project configured with kaocha-cljs and/or kaocha-cljs2? I'm trying on a few projects but I never manage to get it to work, always fails to connect back to the browser
probably just something dumb, if I see a working example I can probably figure it out
generally with kaocha-cljs it works better the less you hard you try 🙂 if you start giving it compiler options or such you'll likely break the repl setup. is meant as a demo setup for kaocha-cljs2, but not sure what state it is in...
ok thanks I'll check
btw @plexus I think I noticed a pretty serious issue with my retry plugin, tests now are always passing no matter what and I found out why
if the test function itself is called in
(defn- with-capture-report [t]
(with-redefs [te/report (fn [& args] (reset! to-report args))]
it returns always truebut if I run (t)
directly it returns false when the test fails
if I check what's passed to as args
it also contains something like
:type :pass, :expected (= 1 1), :actual (#function[clojure.core/=] 1 1), :message nil}
which is weird since it failedso somehow the return for (t)
itself depends on the reporter but also what's passed the reporter doesn't seem right, am I missing something silly?
@andrea.crotti it seems like you're assuming you'll only get one event per test. That's not correct.
ah right of course, there are multiple assertions
so what would (t) return then in general?
I would have to check but I think you'll just get back whatever the last form in the deftest
returned, which doesn't tell you anything
ah ok I see, yeah I was fooled by the fact that I saw it returning true/false
so I assumed that it was returning if the test failed or not
cool ok makes sense
yeah I think (is ...)
will return true
/ false
, makes it convenient from a repl, but that's mostly ignored in actual tests
yeah I think I got it now, it makes it more complicated though, since I have to capture all the reports, and remove the duplicate failed ones when I report something that failed more than the max number of times
but well should be easy to find the duplicates
not sure how you're approaching it, but how I imagined it would work - run test, capture all events - did it fail? (there's a fail event) -> re-run the tests, always keep the recording of events from the last test - did it pass or too many retries? -> break the loop, you're done - now replay all events from the last time you ran the test
yes that was what I was trying to do, but since that report has to contain multiple things I can end up with multiple reports for the same assertion failed
anyway now it seems to actually work as expected
even if not sure that's the best solution yet
ah right makes sense
#(= :fail (:type %))
this is not correct, there are multiple assertions types that can mean failure, use the helpers that exist for this, see kaocha.hierarchy
hehe well I'll be happy to remove the atoms if I find out how
and yeah cool I'll fix the fail check
have to also add a few tests for the plugin as well
you have access to the test-plan/config in every hook, and if not you can get it through a dynamic variable, so you can use any hook that runs relatively early to assoc them on there
but really they're only used in a fairly limited scope, you could also add a new atom onto each leaf testable in pre-test, together with setting the testable/wrap
ah right cool I can try
thanks for the help, not sure I would have got to something almost working otherwise 😄
I still think the design of kaocha is quite elegant, it's definitely powerful, but it's not trivial. Maybe some day I'll get to make some explainer videos 🙂
yeah it's very nicely done for sure
the problem is maybe that's just quite hard to deal with these massive nested maps
even on a tiny project (which is what I use to test my plugin) it can be tricky sometimes
yeah that's true, there's so much in there that it's hard to just inspect them. I have a good "mental map" of what they look like, that's perhaps the hardest thing to communicate. Even with the specs and everything. Maybe something like Portal can help here
ah nice didn't know about portal
I used cider-inspect sometimes
and it helps for sure
also I think that sometimes in the docs or in the plugins the arguments to the various methods are called differently
even if they are the same thing
which can be a bit confusing when trying to understand what something takes as argument
yeah some of this is a bit confusing because for instance the test-plan and the config are really kind of the same map, at the top level you find the same stuff, the test-plan is really config+information about tests
yeah config/test-plan is a good one, I would not have expected them to be the same thing pretty much
btw any thoughts about: ?
I wonder if it makes sense to make it smarter instead of just blowing up like that. I guess if only test can possibly match what you want to run it could just run that
I don't think you would really have tests that can run in different scenarios anyway? Well maybe cljc tests can run in both cljs and clj run but can't think of much else
and actually for the example kaocha-cljs project, uri uses the node repl which is not something I can do anyway
Did you see my comment on your original issue?
ah right no I didn't actually
uhm that's fine, and well my PR maybe wasn't exactly what I was suggesting in the issue
I mean it's fine not to specify the test-suite, but running multiple times the same test when you pass --focus is also confusing maybe
but well I guess it's not really a big issue, since in most cases it won't happen anyway
if test suites don't have overlapping paths/regexes
you should not have duplicate test ids in a test-plan, so you should not have multiple test suites with the same type and overlapping paths. If you do you are going to get confusing results. I'd rather see us turn that into a warning or error.
Note that this is not the case for cljc, cljs tests have a prefix (in kaocha-cljs it's just cljs:
, in kaocha-cljs2 it's the name of the connection (random but human readable), so even though the same test file is twice in the test plan (clj and cljs) their test ids are different. We do give those tests aliases so you can still --focus
them without the prefix, so yes if you have cljc tests and do --focus my.ns/my-test-var
it will run two tests. If you do --focus cljs:my.ns/my-test-var
it will run one
ah I see
yeah ok then thanks
I close issue/pr