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I was trying to extract all the tests from the test-plan, which is a quite nested data structure
and this seems to work
(def plan (kr/test-plan))
(def all-test-names
(->> plan
(mapcat :kaocha.test-plan/tests)
(mapcat :kaocha.test-plan/tests)
(map :kaocha.var/name)
I wonder if there is an easier way though
ah yes better thanks.
seems like I was getting the same result at least
I posted an example of using clojure.walk recently
apart from the skip maybe
you are encourage to use hierarchy/leaf? to check if a testable is a an actual test as opposed to a grouping like a namespace or a test suite
also :kaocha.var/name
is specific to clojure.test, whereas all testables have a :kaocha.testable/id
ah nice thanks
well what I have to do is to actually split tests with the circleci tool
(def all-test-names-2
(->> (kaocha.testable/test-seq plan)
(map :kaocha.var/name)
(remove nil?)))
(def split
(-> (sh/sh "circleci tests split --split-by=timings"
:in (clojure.string/join "\n" all-test-names-2))
and then run them with kaocha
something like (kr/run "--focus" (first all-test-names-2))
for example
but yeah running all the ones returned by the split
but yeah I guess I can use the id as well
yeah so in this case you definitely want to use kaocha.testable/id, that's what you pass to focus. it just happens to correspond to the var name for clojure.test
ah yeah but don't think circleci would handle that
so it kind automatically split tests by timing, parallelising automatically
but still keeping only one job
we had that working for clojure.test, I just wanted to convert to kaocha
yeah probably
from the circleci agent from previous runs I guess
ah ok I'll try
I'm always confused about the arguments to pass to kr/run> (kr/run {:focus smaller-subset})
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures.
#:kaocha.result{:count 0, :pass 0, :error 0, :fail 0, :pending 0}> (kr/run "--focus" (first smaller-subset))
so it works fine if I pass things same args I would pass to the cli
but not with configs
but that "--focus" version only works by accident, kaocha.repl does not take command line options like that takes testable-ids, and optionally a config map as last arg, so you can just do (apply kaocha.repl/run subset)
ahok thanks let's see if
(apply kr/run
(conj (tests-to-run)
{:plugin :kaocha.plugin/junit-xml
:junit-xml-file "test-results/kaocha/results.xml"}))
worksmaybe I can add an example in hte kr/run docs
it's not the first time I get confused even after looking at docs and code
ah yeah as soon as I get it working
I can do that
Yeah I didn't even know there was this feature, but it's quite a good way to get some free parallelism without having to split yourself creating multiple jobs
still doesn't work but it's because of something I'm passing wrong to the circleci command, but well almost there
mm so splitting didn't work yet, but the other weird thing is
1 tests, 2800 assertions, 0 failures.
so doing it like this seems to group all the tests into one
which is maybe expected I guess and maybe not a big deal
just seems a bit strange
also any idea how to pass the --reporter documentation
config in that config map?
:reporter :documentation
or :reporter "documentation"
don't work
also I was trying to use leaf? but I find nothing if I do this for example
(defn fetch-tests
(fn [t]
(when (kh/leaf? t) t))