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Hi! I'm trying to use kaocha whilst using orchestra to instrument my functions. But when there is a spec problem with :args
and :ret
, it prints something like
Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: class clojure.lang.Keyword cannot be cast to class java.lang.Number
Whereas with clojure.test I get
FATAL: Failed spec:
(2) - failed: vector? in: [3 0] at: [:args :search-params]
Is there any way around this?do you have a stacktrace for that exception? how/where/when are you calling orchestra?
Hi. Calling orchestra in a namespace with
(ns myapp.test.instrument
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[orchestra.spec.test :as st]))
@U0LUZHXM2 I would ask in #expound, this seems to be happening on an internal datastructure of expound