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I'm considering removing the capsule & onejar builds from pack. I'm not sure how popular these are compared with depstar and Is anyone using them and would want them to stay? Capsule is very dead, the website is gone, etc. It's also got a few sharp edges where you can unintentionally fill up the your disk with the caching mechanism. There's no easy way to see any docs anymore. OneJar isn't as bad, but is emitting warnings with java 11, and I'm not sure if it even works on the latest LTS. onejar may return in the future via which supports java 11. I think most users would be better served by using either docker or skinny modes of pack, rather than using uberjars at all. Is there another packaging format for "executable jar with deps" that exists pack could explore as an alternative?


Actually, duct users probably particularly like pack right now because of the duct_hierarchy.edn file needing conflict resolution.