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Erick Isos01:07:07

Does it makes sense for the project to have custom unit/integration tests running with kaocha? I was workin’ on but want to know your opinion about that.


Thanks for caring about Joyride testing! We haven't really decided on how to test Joyride. As the code is currently factored, I think most tests will need the full VS Code environment to run. We're leaning towards embracing this fact and use integration tests rather than unit tests, and also to try use Joyride for the testing. I don't know enough about Kaocha to see how it fits into such a picture. What do you say, @U04V15CAJ?

🙌 1
Erick Isos21:07:31

I think that it would be great to add both of those, I mean, by setting unit test on minimal operations (maybe some logic if we have) and integration just to check whether we are working well with vscode at all, thx for your answer @U0ETXRFEW


Koacha's CLJS testing is a bit complex (version 2) and version 1 doesn't support advanced compilation, which is important to test I think. I've always used for this which is straightforward to use. You can see the setup for that in several of my projects


But the actual setup of such a framework isn't the hard problem, but if you'd like to submit a PR for this, be my guest.


The harder problem is to actually figure out a good way of testing

Erick Isos22:07:44

Completely agree 😰 maybe we can check how to split the project in smaller functions that could be tested without checking the interface with vscode (on the unit side)


There's also some ways to integration-test a plugin right? Perhaps you can look into this a bit as well.

Erick Isos22:07:43

Let me check that, it would be really great

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Maybe we can steal ideas from there. Also maybe post a link to joyride

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I posted a link to Joyride in a comment. We probably should also post in /r/vscode about it. I'll see if I can make a video targeted at non-Clojurians and post that.

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