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James Hamlin00:08:30

hey, folks! another plug of a related project here 🙂. i've been lurking in this channel for a bit because i've been interested in bringing together go and clojure, and a while back - before i was aware of joker - i began working on a clojure interpreter in go with comprehensive support for both the clojure core libraries and host language interop the project is not yet at enough feature parity to warrant what i'd call an "alpha" release - e.g. some basic functions like mapv don't yet work because of some missing primitives (in the case of mapv, the missing primitive is a transient vector implementation) - but it's got enough in it that i'm curious to gauge interest and solicit some feedback given that the goal is to get as close as possible to a full implementation of clojure in golang, i've namesquatted the name "glojure." i'd be happy to rename the project if the community believes this is too presumptuous 🙂 some example usage in the 🧵, but here are some quick highlights and lowlights Highlights 1. transparent Go interop with arbitrary packages (some codegen required). a. all of the go 1.19 standard library is included by default. 2. progress towards implementation of all of clojure.core (sans java-specific features). a. glojure.core is "implemented" as a programmatic transformation of clojure's own core libraries (as of clojure 1.11) rather than by implementing core by hand. 3. a partial implementation of glojure.core.async using go's concurrency primitives (goroutines and channels) Lowlights 1. minimal and out-of-date documentation a. i intend to update it after a few more features are added 2. poor performance relative to clojure a. the interpreter is a tree-walking interpreter, which incurs a ton of overhead. this may eventually be mitigated by implementing a bytecode interpreter b. the REPL CLI takes 500-1000ms to start up, due to processing the core libraries. i'm already looking at addressing this by pre-processing the core libraries (much as joker appears to) 3. many broken core functions which have yet to be mapped to work in glojure, or whose primitive dependencies (e.g. transients or STM) have yet to be implemented Acknowledgement joker itself has been very helpful in bootstrapping this project. the persistent hash map implementation was taken, with some modification to allow for arbitrary go keys and values, from joker 🙂

🆒 4
James Hamlin00:08:03

a short example of interop in action, from the README:

;; example.glj
(ns example.server)

(defn echo-handler
  [w r]
  (io.Copy w (.Body r))

(net$http.Handle "/" (net$http.HandlerFunc echo-handler))

(net$http.ListenAndServe ":8080" nil)
and using core.async in the REPL:
user=> (require '[glojure.core.async :as a])
user=> (def ch (a/chan))
user=> (a/go
...   (doseq [x (range 10)]
...     (a/>! ch x))
...   (a/close! ch))
#object[ 0xf381f80e "#object[chan interface {}]"]
user=> (a/<! ch)
user=> (a/<! ch)
user=> (a/<! (a/go-loop []
...         (let [v (a/<! ch)]
...           (when-not (nil? v)
...             (println "got:" v)
...             (recur)))))
got: 2
got: 3
got: 4
got: 5
got: 6
got: 7
got: 8
got: 9

James Hamlin00:08:28

feel free to respond in this thread or DM me if you have questions or feedback. i'd also be happy to see issues filed if you give it a spin and want to report bugs or feature requests (or contribute!)


@U04CAK74QG4 this is great work!


I am getting the following error when trying to install glojure:

> go install 
mod/[email protected]/pkg/gen/gljimports/gljimports_darwin_amd64.go:5592:41: undefined: runtime.GOTOOLDIR

James Hamlin14:08:19

what version of go are you using? it looks like you have a name missing from the runtime package. currently you’ll need at least go 1.19

James Hamlin14:08:17

and whoops, i’ll correct the table! thanks for pointing that out. (it’s a very early pass at the readme btw; i intend to add additional aspects, e.g. maturity/stability)

👍 2

> go version
go version go1.20.6 darwin/amd64

James Hamlin15:08:42

interesting! i use nix in development, and it looks like nix patches extern.go to add this function on installation for some reason facepalm . not great for compatibility. i'll need a more reliable way to generate these imports (and to test). thanks for finding the bug 🙂

James Hamlin15:08:13

pushed a small fix to omit the symbol!


it’s working now. Thanks!

James Hamlin16:08:15

thanks for giving it a spin!


this is cool. Please do update if you have some updates!

👍 2
replied to a thread:hey, folks! another plug of a related project here :slightly_smiling_face:. i've been lurking in this channel for a bit because i've been interested in bringing together go and clojure, and a while back - before i was aware of joker - i began working on a clojure interpreter in go with comprehensive support for both the clojure core libraries and host language interop the project is not yet at enough feature parity to warrant what i'd call an "alpha" release - e.g. some basic functions like `mapv` don't yet work because of some missing primitives (in the case of `mapv`, the missing primitive is a transient vector implementation) - but it's got enough in it that i'm curious to gauge interest and solicit some feedback given that the goal is to get as close as possible to a full implementation of clojure in golang, i've namesquatted the name "glojure." i'd be happy to rename the project if the community believes this is too presumptuous :slightly_smiling_face: some example usage in the :thread:, but here are some quick highlights and lowlights *Highlights* 1. transparent Go interop with arbitrary packages (some codegen required). a. all of the go 1.19 standard library is included by default. 2. progress towards implementation of all of `clojure.core` (sans java-specific features). a. `glojure.core` is "implemented" as a programmatic transformation of clojure's own core libraries (as of clojure 1.11) rather than by implementing core by hand. 3. a partial implementation of `glojure.core.async` using go's concurrency primitives (goroutines and channels) *Lowlights* 1. minimal and out-of-date documentation a. i intend to update it after a few more features are added 2. poor performance relative to clojure a. the interpreter is a tree-walking interpreter, which incurs a ton of overhead. this may eventually be mitigated by implementing a bytecode interpreter b. the REPL CLI takes 500-1000ms to start up, due to processing the core libraries. i'm already looking at addressing this by pre-processing the core libraries (much as joker appears to) 3. many broken core functions which have yet to be mapped to work in glojure, or whose primitive dependencies (e.g. transients or STM) have yet to be implemented *Acknowledgement* joker itself has been very helpful in bootstrapping this project. the persistent hash map implementation was taken, with some modification to allow for arbitrary go keys and values, from joker :slightly_smiling_face:


🙌 2