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Warning, shameless plug ahead: I'm working on let-go, it's another Clojure(-like) interpreter in Go. At the moment it's just my pet project and besides being able to solve AoC problems in it, it's no way near production readiness and completeness of Joker. It has some cool differences from Joker: it's a bytecode compiler+VM, it supports concurrency atm, it runs faster than Joker. I have plans to eventually support bytecode AOT and bytecode->Go translation. It's also missing many things like: real persistent data structs, real tests, error handling (needs a huge refactor), metadata, numeric tower, most of core lib and many more. I'm happy to push this bit by bit myself but just wanted to drop this here and let you know that I'll welcome any contributions in case anyone is interested.

👍 5

@UJEK1RGJ0 looks very cool!

🙌 1