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I will appreciate feedback for my CV Last time when I did this I got interesting feedback. For example someone said me to add why I changed each job, because he needs to figure out this anyway and I make his live easier.
My only feedback would be length: there's a lot of text and it spreads over four pages -- a lot of hiring managers (and HR) want to be able to scan over just 1-2 pages of bullet points and won't bother reading "essays" on a first pass. You might also want to run a spell checker and a grammar checker (like Grammarly) over it. LinkedIn is misspelled and there are several sentences I head to read two or three times to understand what you meant (even just editing for length would help there).
yeah this is kind of hard choice. If I put all information why I changed job, tech, team, some bullet points, then there is no way to make it short. I would appreciate any suggestion how to make it shorter and still valuable input
unless I can solve it by adding 1-2 pages but make more space around text? I mean is it about length or about too much text to see at once?
I've never seen "why I changed jobs" on resumes -- that's something I'd expect to come up in an interview and some of the reasons you provide will discourage some employers from interviewing you.
Pretty much any text that covers more than two lines should be considered for editing down. Taking up nearly half of the first page with a long-winded summary is a poor introduction to busy HR/hiring managers. That should be one paragraph with at most two sentences.
The layout and use of whitespace is fine -- it's just the length of the text that's a problem.
I was encourage to write this information in CV by HR in #C0KL616MN last time. He was very convincing about this, but think I will get your advice here.
I made improvements and uploaded new version. Still far away to be short, but I like it more.
Drop that list of dates in the summary -- no one cares about when you first started programming (seriously), only the professional experience listed in the next section. Move this paragraph to the top of that summary: In team I am a person who knows how to fulfil goals and improve current solutions. I see a way and threats. I bring tasks to the end. I make things simpler for the team to code and maintein. And please run a spell check and grammar check over it (`maintein` makes it clear you haven't).
The “maintein” was from spell checker. It looks like I have changed it from correct form to incorrect.
Even typing maintein into Slack I get a red squiggly...
Good luck! We're looking at junior remote JS devs right now (from Eastern Europe) -- just so you know that some US companies do look specifically in that area -- but JS is a very tough market, and a resume has to really make an impact to stand out.