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Hello! I am searching for jobs trends website. something similar like but for European market. So I can see the trends. There is something like;ql=&amp;l=&amp;ll=&amp;id=0&amp;p=6&amp;e=5&amp;sortby=&amp;orderby= but it does not show trends over time. In general I want to learn IT tech jobs stats and trends over time. Do you guys know something like this?

Oliver Marks11:12:52

I would be interested as well, interestingly the second link shows the demand increasing which is surprising considering how few jobs are posted at present


hard to tell if the second is accurate


I’ve not heard of anything like that until now but I would b interested in it as well. I wonder where you’d source the data from?


Tiobe is about googling for problems and not about employment opportunities. Just like Python became very "popular" there because it is very hard to set up env and everyone googling and discussing it. Java9 intentionally introduces modules that is breaking thing - so to become more "popular" on Tiobe and SOF. Bugs and broken tools are SEO marketing and good for corporations. I am more interested in job statistics tho.