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Here in Bulgaria ( poorest country of the EU ) a salary for a Java programmer would still easilly be usd $ 44572 per year like this example.
Yeah, I'll be interested to see if @U01GEUNA0BD responds to my question about which country pays the sort of salary they were offering...
It's about the average for juniors in South Africa, and very easy to find places offering less.
@U01GEUNA0BD Thanks. I was curious since your TZ is the equivalent of US Central time. Hopefully you will find folks!
Thanks, @seancorfield!
I am curious... Is that gross or take home pay? Because at least here in Chile that's also a factor that confuses foreigners. Salaries, unless they are for very high paying positions, are always specified with tax and other deductions already applied.
@U0FTV149X Oh that's interesting! Does Chile have a national healthcare system (paid with automatic deductions on salary)?
Healthcare insurance is universal and everyone pays 7% unless very poor or very rich. However it's paid to your choice of either a private insurance provider or the state provider.
If you make less than some amount you have to use the state provider. And if you make more than some amount that 7% is capped, making the wealthier people pay proportionally less.
Similarly for pension fund, it's a fixed 10%, again capped if you are somewhere in the 2% of people who make most.
I wish it were like that here! A lot of small companies here have no healthcare plans for their workers and no pension funds. The state pension system is minimally funded. Many people have no healthcare. Costs on the open market are ridiculously high and even with employer-supported health insurance, you often still have to contribute a chunk yourself, the insurance has a deductible amount that you have to pay before it kicks in and then it only pays a portion of your costs until your out of pocket costs hit a certain threshold. People go bankrupt here with medical bills or their die because they can't afford healthcare.
"here" = USA. I'm originally from England which has universal healthcare -- I pretty much never saw a bill for treatment until I moved to America twenty years ago (and my family are still in England and never pay a penny).
To be clear: you still have to pay many things out of pocket here. Health insurance coverage varies a lot and the wealthier get to "shop around" with their 7% so they get much better coverage than the ones that are stuck with state insurance.
Also perhaps the idea could work, but the implementation is all very sketchy. The pension and healthcare insurance providers are little mafias/lobbies with way too much influence, and the law if full of loopholes for the wealthy to reduce their taxes. But I disgress.
Today I had a call with someone and I noticed that while he was showing something, a tool called Hubstaff was making a screenshot and a notification that the screenshot was sent to Hubstaff. I looked that up: I hope this is not the future of remote work.
Oh no 😲 That would change my focus from being productive to appearing productive. Which would make me miserable and very likely to quit.
Yeah, I've heard of companies making their employees use stuff like that -- so they "can be sure that their staff are working". Sigh. I could never work for a company that trusts their staff so little 😞
This is micromanagement on a completely new level. My cynical suspicion is that management who uses these tools and practices are trying to solve problems that are disturbing or alarming. Management often gets rewarded when their sub-division/team is more productive according to arbitrary metrics. Typically these metrics are somehow, often artificially, tied to revenue or even worse: to some superficial “idea” what productivity means, such as LoC, time spent, tickets closed… Also the rewards are typically of short-term scope. You get the drift: Short term incentives and quantifiers are invented to create a set of clear, but superficial and often even harmful, rules. Like a game actually. The underlying problem is part in what @seancorfield said: lack of trust. But I think there are other factors as well. When the only motivation is monetary and abstract, then all participants (including management, clients, workers and so on) sever their human connections. Trust is one of the things that grows from human connection. Others are empathy, long term relationships, personal and social (teams, PR etc.) growth, and sometimes even basic human decency. Then it’s not about solving problems, creating real value with work and learning, but about playing an abstract and unsustainable business game to extract as much money individually, while assuming everyone else is playing too. Thankfully many business relationships are not like this! And it’s certainly not a black and white thing either.
been there thats's exactly how it looked like