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@kwladyka As for someone who’s both developing and hiring:


1) I think your cv should get you in through the first filter in most any Clojure shop.


2) Small, minor nitpicks: Separate your date of birth from your contact info. Then separate your links from that again.


3) Add something about the various technologies you’ve used in the different positions, it might make for interesting discussions during an interview.


4) Skip the calculations of engagement-length, I generally know how to subtract two dates.


Honestly I would take the date of birth away altogether, as it’s a piece of information which the employer does not need when making a decision to hire


I think age could matter for some positions


The problem is that if an employer is comparing two applicants on “age”, that is straight discrimination


No it isn’t. For some roles you need somebody older etc. It is naive to say age doesn’t matter.


Unless you want to say if I will write age, employer will reject my CV, because of fear of discrimination?


I know of employers who do that.


Or who compare?


I guess that’s a two way street.


Do I want to work for an employer who discriminates me because of my age?


Yes, I understand such decisions. I don’t have problem with such things.


It is not discrimination for me, but looking people who fit into position.


I second this, age should not matter. For the same reason I dont put a picture of myself into my application. It's irrelevant how I look.

👍 20
Fahd El Mazouni07:04:05

I'm curious to know in what kind of position would age matter @kwladyka?


If you dont want to go further into this discusssion, you shouldnt start one 😉


ok i remove it, fix the mistake 🙂

Fahd El Mazouni10:04:02

too bad, I was really curious


@U9W44J4RW Actor playing a 120-year old character?

Fahd El Mazouni17:04:52

@U07HVGQJ3 I'm not stupid I wouldn't trust a 70 year old with lifting a 100 kg load (although why would I hire a human )

Fahd El Mazouni18:04:22

we all know why we're talking about this


There are also different expectations in different parts of the world. In the USA, putting any of age, race, photo, religion, or anything else that is "personal" and not job-related could cause all sorts of problems in the hiring process. In Europe, it seemed pretty common to see date of birth / age on CVs and even photos, as I recall (I was a hiring manager in the UK back in the 90's, I've been a hiring manager in the USA since then).


Yes, I live in part of the world without this mental discrimination issue.


Thank you. 2) yes, i noticed it yesterday. 3) I got feedback yesterday to add tools which i use. Your feedback confirm I should add this. 4) Here I got exactly different feedback yesterday. Personally I don’t know. Not easier to parse CV?


I like what you’re writing about your position at ETIN GRoup where you write: “It was challenging to satisfy changing business needs during 10 years. It gives interesting point of view for technology.”


You could maybe rephrase, but I’d recommend adding something like that for your other positions as well.


But as important is your cover-letter. Make sure you “answer” the (implicit) questions in the job-ad.


and relate those answers to your cv.


If, for instance, the job-ad mentions some tech or domain you’re not familiar with, make sure to note that, and how you’ll overcome that challenge.


Also, skip the generic part about being a quick learner who works well in teams and love to take on new challenges. No-one ever wrote the opposite in a cover letter so it brings no value.


Thank you, I didn’t expect so extended feedback. I am very positively surprised.


@kwladyka I agree with @slipset regarding point 4. Also its not that important if its been 4 or 5 years, so a rough estimation is generally enough, which can be done in the head fast enough and it leaves you more space for other stuff.


> Skip the calculations of engagement-length, I generally know how to subtract two dates. The original used format was this one:


Different people use different notations for year-month. In the screenshot I just get confused with so many numbers and dashes


Also, I've come to believe that detailing months is an invasion of privacy (just like asking for your birth day/month is)


Personally I use this format, private/clear enough