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@andrewboltachev @alwatkin I remember being hired by a Norwegian company which had 5 full-time employees. Me and CEO sat down and filled out one form (30 mins), I submitted it to the consulate together with a work visa application and in a week it was done. Pity that other countries are not so efficient in this regard.


From a previous uk based company we hired a candidate from who needed a work visa, I remember being told that we had to advertise the job for 6 months on a government website before formally being allowed to offer it to him. It was really frustrating both for us and the new employee. It’s unfortunate that this sort of hoop jumping and delay makes it hard for us to consider whilst we are so small (5 full time employees). Sounds like a much nicer process in Norway.


@dottedmag believe it or not there’s actually a fast work visa for some canadians entering the USA, although it may not last much longer with the nafta talks apparently going the way they are lol. It takes about 20 minutes to get.


I once worked for a Norwegian company, and they wanted to hire a foreigner. It meant immigration lawyers, fees, and waiting. Maybe the process is easier now (it was 17 years ago), or maybe the company was being overly cautious and wanted the lawyer to dot all the i's.


could also depend on the kind of visa they were trying to get you.


i guess you cant do the eu blue card in norway, that one seems pretty straightforward for programmers


Is anyone aware of any companies using clojure/clojurescript in Phoenix AZ?