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Hey guys. I've learned a decent amount of Clojure and really like the language a lot. I'd like to do web development with it and hope to find work someday. I have two Clojure Leiningen templates/micro-frameworks in mind that I'm thinking of choosing from. First is just the Compojure/Ring, possibly Luminus stack, and the second is Reagent. Which one of these two is more likely sought after in Clojure companies?


@jmb they are not really exclusive, and in my experience I’ve seen them very often paired when doing full-stack clojure


So if you’re choosing one to start from, you really have to pick first on which side of the stack you want to be


@nilrecurring Oh so from what I understand, it doesn't seem like either side of the stack has significantly more opportunities than the other.


I would say so, yes. The market demand since some years has shifted significantly towards full-stack skills, so we are supposed to do a bit of everything (which I personally enjoy, but it’s definitely a tradeoff)