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Laura Wyglendacz09:06:54

hello 👋

Laura Wyglendacz09:06:59

I’m trying to use jackdaw to implement a window-by-time, count, suppress, and output program almost identical to this java :

KGroupedStream<UserId, Event> grouped = ...;
    .filter((windowedUserId, count) -> count < 3)
    .foreach((windowedUserId, count) -> sendAlert(windowedUserId.window(), windowedUserId.key(), count));

Laura Wyglendacz09:06:12

My code using jackdaw function wrappers around the same kstreams methods:

(defn build-topology!
         [config builder]
         (-> (js/kstream builder (config/topic (:INPUT_TOPIC config)))
          (js/filter moder/moderated?)
          (js/group-by (fn [[_ v]] (:goalId v)))
          (js/window-by-time (.grace (TimeWindows/of (Duration/ofMinutes 5)) (Duration/ofMillis 1)))
          (js/suppress {})
          (js/print!) ...
works fine, with the exception of the suppress function, which, when added in throws a
java.lang.RuntimeException: No reader function for tag object
	at clojure.lang.EdnReader$TaggedReader.readTagged( ...

Sam H12:06:47

is this while running the code in a repl? Could be seeing an issue with the underlying lib:

Laura Wyglendacz16:06:58

No, not in a repl, when I run with lein

Sam H09:06:38

Hey, not sure if you ever solved this but I ran into something similar. It was due to going from a jackdaw avro serde to and edn serde but the avro had a field with a type of bytes (decimal logical type). This caused the serializtion to edn to fail due to it having a BufferBytea class for that field value

Laura Wyglendacz09:06:01

Has anyone come across this before? It has me totally stumped, as I’m not sure what suppress is trying to serde or why it is going wrong