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Are there any guides on how to create a consumer? I currently get Missing required configuration "key.deserializer" which has no default value.
(defn -main
[& _]
(with-open [consumer (-> (jackdaw-client/consumer consumer-config)
(jackdaw-client/subscribe [my-topic]))]
(doseq [message (jackdaw-log/log consumer (-> env :topic :poll-interval-ms))]
(process/foreach message))))
(def consumer-config
(merge (-> env :broker)
{"key.deserializer" (.getName StringDeserializer)
"value.deserializer" (.getName StringDeserializer)}))
(:require [my-foo-process :as process]
[jackdaw.client.log :as jackdaw-log]
[jackdaw.client :as jackdaw-client]
[jackdaw.serdes.json :as json-serde]
[config.core :refer [env]]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]])
(:import [org.apache.kafka.common.serialization Serdes StringDeserializer])
I use config.core to store in a config.edn values, such as :topic, :poll-interval-ms and :broker
Ah yeah, thanks for the example. ✌️
it's s bit, bitty, since it's copy&pasta from a program in use, so can't show company stuff
Still not 100% about when to use value-serdes and key-serdes in the client.consumer api though 😄
I know the java api for kafka, just something I dont want to use 🙂
nvm I figured it out now
Do you process your messages "async" with core.async @dharrigan?