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Tema Nomad05:11:20

Hey guys, my name is Artem but you can call me Tema. I live in Qazaqstan. I use ruby/js last years but now I learn clojure and vim (oh its hard to jump to it after 10+ years on Sublime text, but fun).

πŸ‘‹ 14
sublimetext 4

Welcome! Maybe you know this already, but you don’t necessarily need to give up ST to write Clojure (see e.g. πŸ™‚

Tema Nomad07:11:01

@U4ZDX466T yeah I know thanks πŸ™‚ I installed clojure sublimed already, but I just want to learn a new editor together with clojure

Tema Nomad07:11:43

for my brain development 🧠


Sure thing. Although the general recommendation is to initially stick with the editor you know to avoid having to learn two new things at once, and only later start shopping for options if that editor starts to feel limiting. In any case, best of luck on your learning journey. :)

πŸ™ 1

Come join us in #C0DF8R51A if you need any help πŸ™‚

vim 1

"but I just want to learn a new editor " I think we have a live one! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: Welcome aboard, @U04BRV8JQKE

πŸ˜„ 1
Tema Nomad11:11:19

hehe I think vim as clojure more than alive


One of my famous (to me) quotations: "It is easier for a good programmer to learn a new language than to learn a new editor." If you are doing both, @U04BRV8JQKE, you have more energy than I ever will! Have fun! ps. Yeah, I got a big kick out of Vim when I tried it. Good call.

Tema Nomad13:11:27

@U0PUGPSFR hahaha. One day i realized that I'm mired in laziness and procrastination. So I start to work on myself everyday increasing the load. If you dont use your brain to learn something new, you start to degrade