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Eric Honsey16:07:22

Hi all! I am a software engineer out of Denver, Colorado. I picked up programming on my own in my mid-20s, have learned great patterns and tricks from great mentors, and many things not do in 8 years of professional programming. One thing I have learned is to care less about languages, frameworks, and tools and more about simple design. A wonderful mentor exposed me to Clojure early in my career. After writing Clojure on and off for side tasks I am finally working for a Clojure-first company. As expected, there is a large gap between personal use and designing / collaborating on production-ready apps. I look forward to growing my professional skillset in Clojure and other FP languages / paradigms. Please reach out if you are looking for a project collaborator, open-source contributor, or mentee. Willing to chip in wherever needed. Cheers!

👋 6
Nick McAvoy16:07:47

Welcome! I must say I have gotten a good deal of mileage out of chasing simplicity, which happens to be well suited to Clojure, but also to a wide variety of domains.


Did someone say "simplicity"? Einstein's is my favorite. ps, Welcome aboard 🛳️ !

👍 2
Eric Honsey17:07:30

Yeah… like the million dollar NASA space pen vs the Soviet cosmonaut’s pencil 😅