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hey all, Pat here.. not a programmer by trade but it's a tool I have to get things done 🙂 Former Rubyist/CommonLisper, turned to Clojure a year ago and loving it.. also emacs'er since 5 years 🙂 nice to meet you all

👋 25

Hey everyone - my name is Chris and I have been a Clojure beginner for a little while now. Still trying to find time to continue learning when I can. I was drawn to the language for its elegance and powerful simplicity (and RH's talks), but I also think its great that the community is filled with intelligent/creative/energized people that build really cool things with Clojure. Hope to get good enough to build some cool things too.

👋 25
Asko Nōmm02:08:52

Cool is whatever you make it. Whether it would be a simple "hello, world" app, or something else entirely. I still remember the first time I figured HTML tables out, and boy that was cool as heck! I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't feel like you need to compete with anyone, even as a complete amateur you can already start building whatever you feel like. And that's pretty cool.