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Anyone ever use inf-clojure with remote socket repls? Things mostly just work but it would be cool if load-file worked with files accessed with tramp. Thinking about attempting to get that working, or is there a better way or reason not to that I'm missing?


i use it 100% now


oh remote socket repls. not yet. but i am anticipating a switch to that


what about load file fails?


Will run things now so I get the exact error again but I believe it was sending the filepath including the protocol(?) when load file was used on a tramp file. So it would try to load, ie, ssh:user:/my/path


oh i see. If you could create a repo with instructions i can take a look. I'm not familiar with tramp (yet) so if you could include the instructions of how to recreate the workflow i can work on that this week


Awesome thanks! I'll try to get a repo up by tomorrow at the latest

🎉 2