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Dave Mays04:08:48

What's the favorite way to deploy a production Electric based application? Say you were ready to deploy the Electric XTDB demo as a production site, is there a straight forward way to deploy to something like Do you deploy the database together with the application or separately?

Dustin Getz08:08:19

digital ocean is the most straightforward way - database and java app on same machine

Dustin Getz08:08:37

graduate to aws


We’ve done this on Fly. DB and app on the same server, with their postgres thing as durable storage.


I know this isn’t the priority of Electric but it would be super nice to be able to front end only build. I prefer Electric over React for developing the front end and sometimes “webapps” live inside of other ecosystems like Telegram mini apps. Contemplating a small gig but my only pause is having to step away from this experience


I believe this is in the plan for Electric v3. Check out


Is this true @U09K620SG? I thought I saw you say it would be easier to do. But will it be possible without being hacky?

Dustin Getz16:08:01

in principle


Hmm. I would like to test drive.


Anyone working on an internal knowledge thingy in electric clojure? Some starting points from a thread in offtopic


I sketched out my thoughts on a PKM in this repo: But tesserae looks pretty great, am thinking of basing v2 of subspace on tesserae. Will maybe sketch out the UI once electric v3 is out.

clojure-spin 1
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Funk yes that's right subspace looks like it's along the same lines. So cool!

❤️ 1

Sketch out the UI today in your notebook 😜


Some starting points from a thread in offtopicthanks for mentioning this thread! it's got a lot of good opinions and ideas in it. For ease of reference it's here: And now I'm wondering whether Slack will add backlinks someday 😅 for more non-Electric-specific PKM chat feel free to use #tools-for-thought


is there a way to get a missionary flow of new xtdb dbs while not using the in-process node? I want a persistent xtdb (lmdb backend) and to use electric with it. T still says it only works for in-process node


just tried it with lmdb node, and it worked fine! is this comment worth updating? did something change?

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in-process != in-memory - LMDB counts as in-process too. The example for being out-of-process would mean using XT's HTTP stack (the server and client modules)

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Not writing that as (not= in-process in-memory) is just blasphemy

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gosh, you're right...I've been writing so much SQL recently that I initially wrote in-process <> in-memory

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Dustin Getz20:08:28

what does "LMDB" mean


as in using the popular embedded key-value store LMDB as the index storage for XTDB v1 (and potentially also for tx-log + doc-store components), see

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