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Folks, I created an LLM library called I made an LLM chat playground example using electric. I received a lot of help from this channel, especially regarding file uploads. clojure-spin

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I notice that sometimes when I update a .clj file I have to restart electric to get access to the new function I created. Is this just a requirement or is there something I can do to fix this.


reload-on-save only works on cljc files, shadow doesn't watch clj files. Do you eval the clj file in a clojure REPL?


Yes but I haven’t figured out how to connect the REPL to electric since IC update


This is good to know on how to get the reload on save even if I just do that for development.


cljc files autoreload clj files user needs to reload through the REPL. Setup of that is IDE dependent


e.g. me as a doom emacs user I start the REPL through the setup we used to have in the readme, Then I type (dev/-main) in the REPL to start shadow and the app


I use calva. Used to do a connect to REPL sequence where I chose generic and typed in 9001 if I remember correctly but that stopped working and I was too lazy to check here on how to get going again


if i name my .clj into .cljc i get free reload hax? can i just wrap everything in one giant reader conditional? lol


Yea the reload thing and how to connect to repl both server and client would be nice to have documented somewhere I feel. Even if not on main repo.


It would fit in the starter app. PRs welcome


I would write a description if I knew how to do it


Yea I also don't know how to connect a repl since the latest release

braai engineer17:05:09

What's the fastest JDK for local dev? Oracle Java?


Just learned of, interesting stuff.

👀 2

I saw that and immediately thought of electric clojure . i think having the "data fresh and accurate since this branch id" will be bandwidth saving and it's hard to believe the internet has existed so long without something like this

Dustin Getz11:05:06

These document sync technologies are used in applications like Google Docs and other multiplayer editors, the reason we don't see them in other domains is that they are document centric not relational/database centric and thus have scalability issues


As I understand, they’re not particularly about document sync: “The Braid Protocol allows multiple synchronization algorithms to interoperate over a common network protocol…” Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but it sounds more like it’s about conveyance than any particular sync strategy.


have you played the video game Braid? you can "reverse time" and the music plays in reverse.