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I am probably going to sf November 5th to 8th, any couches that I can maybe surf on?

Daniel Jomphe20:10:01

Our favorite backend platform seems quite testable with RCF’s async testing primitives. Thanks again, team Hyperfiddle!

(ns op-two-emits
  (:require [com.rpl.rama :as r]
            [hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf]))


(r/deframaop foo [*a]
  (:> (inc *a))
  (:> (dec *a)))

  (foo 5 :> *v)
  (rcf/tap *v))

 rcf/% := 6
 rcf/% := 4)
The example is taken from,invoking%20the%20continuation%E2%80%9D.

🙂 2
Daniel Jomphe20:10:18

I might be sinning by both: • aliasing rama’s symbols as r • aliasing rcf’s symbols as rcf Especially for Rama, I think team RPL would say it’s overkill when you build your entire system on top of their primitives.

Dustin Getz20:10:40

use :refer lol

Daniel Jomphe20:10:13

I love reading rcf/tests but you’re right I should refer at least some of these symbols like RCF’s tap and % at least.


amazing, maybe there should be like a electric + rama group

Daniel Jomphe12:10:20

#electric-rama might sound nice, but I think it might be great to continue posting about the intersection of these topics here in #C7Q9GSHFV instead of posting into a new channel. Dustin keeps a very close watch on Rama and I don’t think he’d consider this out of topic at all.

Dustin Getz12:10:03

Please contnue posting here!

❤️ 1
Dustin Getz12:10:35

We have plans to do a Rama/Electric demo as a test case and demonstration of Differential Electric

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Dustin Getz13:10:40

I dont think TodoMVC is out of reach from this starting point. Starting with the todos-simple demo in the electric starter app

Daniel Jomphe15:10:06

I’m annoyed that my current setup is VS Code with Calva and Clj-kondo, which really doesn’t like Rama’s DSL, obviously. I’m thinking about turning off the annoying linter bits. I plan to spend a few daily hours copy-pasting a series of examples based on Rama’s initial java-based demos too. Once that’s done, I should start experimenting with the intersection of Rama and Electric