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I'm working on a electric/xtdb/ starter example (, currently troubleshooting an uberjar issue in this #xtdb thread:;cid=CG3AM2F7V. lmk if you have any insights, thanks!

Dustin Getz00:09:51

move user.clj off classpath uberjar build, put it in src-dev or something and adjust deps.edn accordingly

👀 2
Dustin Getz00:09:22

this has been addressed in the starter app i believe or if not is about to be in the next version

Dustin Getz00:09:58

i cannot explain the issue but search this channel for the NoClassDefError


thanks for the tip, that did the trick. working deployment at


took longer to troubleshoot because the cljs build was failing but the deployment continued. any good way to stop the build on cljs compilation failure?


for that matter, i'm having a hard time seeing the full build log. I'm using NO_COLOR=1 but still seeing the truncated logs -- are there any other tricks to see the full log?

Dustin Getz19:09:09

builds are getting redone, file any issues on the repo and i’ll confirm when we fan out the changes to all the starter repos

👍 2

(understand this is more of a question, i can ask around as well)


sg thanks!

Dustin Getz19:09:10

i don’t really understand the question about build logs, i think we use github actions for our builds so we go there for the logs? is this a docker question?

Dustin Getz19:09:44

fly sends runtime logs to any configured cloud logger service, but i don’t think build logs would go there


iiuc the electric starter app is configured to build on a machine. i can see runtime logs on, but not build logs, it just flies by in that truncated format. i copied the electric starter app deploy configuration for the xtdb starter.

Dustin Getz19:09:50

[deleted confused replies]

Dustin Getz20:09:00

You can use this snippet to fail the shadow build, until we get it landed everywhere:

        (shadow-api/release :prod
          {:debug debug,
           :verbose verbose,
           [{:compiler-options {:optimizations (if optimize :advanced :simple)}
             :closure-defines {'hyperfiddle.electric-client/ELECTRIC_USER_VERSION electric-user-version}}]})
        shadow-status (assert (= shadow-status :done) "shadow-api/release error")) ; fail build on error

Dustin Getz20:09:24

you'll need to adapt it to look like whatever your app has in build.clj, this has other changes

Dustin Getz20:09:19

I have not fully tested it, iiuc an exception is sufficient but you can add a (System/exit 1) if CI needs us to "fail harder"


that's helpful, thanks! i ended up running the build locally in docker to find out what the cljs compiler was complaining about